



Kaitlan Downes





Jul 16, 2024

Jul 16, 2024

Jul 16, 2024

Jul 16, 2024

20 Long-Distance Date Ideas You Can Do From Anywhere

20 Long-Distance Date Ideas You Can Do From Anywhere

20 Long-Distance Date Ideas You Can Do From Anywhere

20 Long-Distance Date Ideas You Can Do From Anywhere

20 Long-Distance Date Ideas You Can Do From Anywhere

Let’s be real: long-distance relationships are tough

While we may have lots of helpful technology to stay connected, it’s not just about being able to hear each other’s voices or see each other’s faces. It’s about having shared experiences, making new memories, and doing things as a couple.

Creating that sense of togetherness while apart isn’t impossible, but it does require a touch of creativity and dedication to keep the spark alive. And that’s where long distance dates make all the difference. 

Is your brain coming up blank on fun dates to have when you’re long-distance? Not to worry – we’ve come up with twenty ways to turn an average video call into a special date experience. 

The Power of Long Distance Dates: Stay Close When Apart

Date nights are a crucial part of maintaining a healthy relationship, whether you live in the same house or on different continents. In fact, studies by the Marriage Foundation UK found that couples who planned regular date nights were 20% less likely to break up! 

So how is it that something as simple as date night can act like relationship glue? Scheduling regular dates shows you’re dedicating time to your relationship, no matter how busy life gets. It signals that your partner is a priority in your life and you value your time together (especially when it’s so limited). Date nights also…

  • Help you break away from routine 

  • Make each other feel special

  • Build positive memories 

  • Open space for relationship-building conversations

  • And allow you to learn, grow, and evolve together

Not to mention, life away from your partner can be pretty, well, boring. Making special plans for date nights helps build anticipation and excitement, giving you both something to look forward to. Whether it’s exploring new hobbies, discovering each other’s interests, or simply having fun, these shared moments can strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.

Long Distance Date Ideas for Any Couple 

Ready to plan your next long distance date, but don’t know where to start? We’ll take it from here. Grab your calendars, pick a day and time, and let’s plan something special for you both. 

Virtual Adventures: Long Distance Date Ideas for Curious Couples 

Who says you can’t travel the world together while being apart? Virtual adventures allow you to explore museums, national parks, and even world-class cities.

  1. Go on a virtual museum tour
    A museum tour is perfect for couples who love culture, history, and discovering new places together. Simply hop on a video call, choose a virtual tour, and start exploring. How about a romantic trip to Paris? Pour a glass of wine, then head off to find treasures in the Louvre, and take a virtual walk of the city of light.

  2. Attend an online concert (or create your own)
    Do you both love the same kind of music? Jam out together with a virtual concert. Many artists and orchestras offer live-streamed performances that you can watch simultaneously. Set up your video call, pick a concert, and enjoy the show. It’s almost like being there in person, minus the crowds.

    If your favorite bands aren’t hosting a virtual concert, you can always make your own at-home concert. Spotify and Apple Music both offer a song-syncing service so you can listen to the same songs at the same time over long distance. Alternate picking songs, or play music trivia to make the “concert” more interactive.

Cooking Together: Long Distance Date Ideas for Foodies 

Food brings us together, even when we’re at different tables. Share your love for food and culinary adventures with these delicious date ideas that let you cook, taste, and enjoy meals together from afar.

  1. Take a virtual cooking class
    Whether it’s a gourmet meal or a simple dessert, cooking simultaneously and then enjoying the meal over a video call can be incredibly romantic and fun. Try websites like Cozymeal and MasterClass which have a range of different virtual cooking classes to suit you and your partner’s tastes and skill levels.

  2. Have a virtual wine tasting experience
    Wine tasting is an incredible date idea, even if you can’t meet up at the vineyard. Choose a unique wine to try once or week or once a month that you can both find in your area. Then, do a tasting together and see what you think!

    With Confetti also offers a wine tasting kit plus a virtual experience from a real sommelier. More into beer, spirits, mixology, or wellness beverages? They have those too!

  3. Swap recipes and cook together
    When you can’t cook each other dinner, what’s the next best thing? A recipe exchange. Take turns choosing a favorite recipe to cook. Shop for the ingredients, meet online, and start cooking together! When you’re done, sit down for dinner “together” and chat about your day (or one of these conversation starters).

Get Crafty: Long Distance Date Ideas to Spark Creativity 

Unleash your creativity and bond with these crafty date ideas that allow you to express yourselves and create lasting memories (and keepsakes) together.

  1. Do a partner portrait painting
    Your beloved is your muse – now paint them! Set up your video call, grab your art supplies, and start creating. This activity allows you to see your partner through an artistic lens and express your feelings through your artwork. After you’ve finished, you can share your artwork with each other on the call, or keep it a surprise and mail your portraits to each other. This can be a fun and intimate way to spend time together, and the finished portraits may turn into a cherished keepsake – or at least give you a few laughs!

  2. Have a writing workshop
    If you both enjoy writing, why not start a joint blog or a story? You can take turns writing chapters or posts, then read them to each other during your video calls. This can be a fun and creative way to share your thoughts, dreams, and stories with each other.

    Using Waffle is also a great way to unleash the writer within. While many users journal to each other at different times, spending some time together writing can be a fun way to mix it up. Joseph and his girlfriend even used writing on Waffle as a way to celebrate an extra special date: “We spent our entire anniversary just writing essays for each other on that app [Waffle], and much much more love letters that were made easier due to the app.”

    So, turn on some music you both love, pick a prompt, and type away!

Fun and Games: Long-Distance Date Ideas to Cheer You Up

Add some excitement and laughter to your relationship with these playful date ideas designed to bring joy and a healthy dose of competition to your long-distance connection.

  1. Challenge each other to online games
    Got a competitive side? Online board games and video games allow you to play with (or against) each other, just as if you were in the same room. Try platforms like Tabletopia and Board Game Arena to find a range of games you can play together. Try a variety of games, like strategy-based games like Settlers of Catan and Risk, word games like Scrabble, or video games like It Takes Two.

  2. Do a virtual escape room
    Escape rooms are a fun and exciting way to bond, but you don’t have to visit one in person to enjoy them! You can solve puzzles and mysteries together in a virtual escape room. This is perfect for couples who love challenges and working together to find solutions. Platforms like The Escape Game Remote Adventures offer immersive experiences that make you feel like you’re in the same room.

  3. Host a private book club
    While you may prefer reading together on the couch, having a couple’s book club is the next best thing. Choose a book that interests both of you, and set a schedule to read specific chapters or sections by your next video call. Or, read the sections on your own and bring your thoughts, favorite parts, and insights to discuss on your date night.

Get Healthy Together: Long-Distance Date Ideas for Well-being 

Encouraging each other and sharing wellness goals can strengthen both your bodies and your relationship. These wellness ideas help you stay healthy together and banish those long-distance relationship blues. 

  1. Sweat together with a virtual workout
    Being away from your partner can be a lonely time. Thankfully, exercise is one of the best mood-boosters and can bring you together even when you’re apart. Sign up for online workout classes or yoga sessions that you can do at the same time. YouTube has tons of options for all fitness levels. Or, take your next call out on a run or walk!

  2. Do a couple’s meditation
    If you’re looking for something more relaxing, try meditating together. Use a guided meditation app and synchronize your sessions. This can help you both feel more connected and centered, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm in your relationship.

  3. Pamper yourselves with a virtual spa night
    If you’re a beauty buff, why not make a date out of sharing your favorite rituals. Host a DIY spa night with homemade facial masks, herbal tea, and self-foot massages. This date idea is sure to trigger some giggles, which will only leave you with even more of a radiant glow!

Feel the Love: Romantic Long Distance Date Ideas

You don’t have to be physically together to feel deeply connected. Spice up your virtual dates with these ideas. 

  1. Dive deeper with conversation starters
    Sometimes, the best way to feel closer is through meaningful conversations. But, going beyond “how was your day” and getting a deep conversation started isn’t always easy. Our blog on 100 deep questions to ask is a great place to start. All these questions are designed to help you feel more connected, open up about your feelings, and learn new things about each other. Make this a regular part of your date nights by choosing a few questions to discuss each week when you connect (or use them for journal prompts on the Waffle app).

  2. “Take” them somewhere special
    One of the most heartfelt ways to connect with your partner is to take them on a virtual journey to a special place in your area. Maybe that's a scenic spot in your hometown, a favorite park, a beautiful beach, or your local coffee shop. No matter where, taking your video calls to a new setting will help your partner feel like they are right there with you.

  3. Send each other surprise care packages
    Surprise your partner with a thoughtful care package filled with items that remind them of you and your relationship. This can include handwritten love letters, their favorite snacks, small gifts, or even a scent you know they love. Once they receive the package, you can plan a video call to open it together. Seeing their reaction and sharing the moment virtually can make the experience even more special.

  4. Get dressed up, just because
    Who says you can’t dress up for a virtual date? Trade the sweatpants or pajamas for something a bit fancier – as if you were going out to a nice restaurant. Then, enjoy a virtual date where you both look and feel your best. Putting in this extra effort makes the date feel more special and adds a touch of glamor to your long-distance relationship.

Dream Big: Long-Distance Date Ideas to Feel Excited for the Future 

It may be hard to make solid plans right now, but instead of focusing on the stress of being apart, enjoy the anticipation of being together in the future. Planning for the days when distance will no longer be an issue brings a much-needed sense of hope and joy to long distance relationships. 

  1. Have a “dream house” Pinterest date
    Who doesn’t love dreaming about their future home? Co-creating a Pinterest board or other mood board is a fun and creative way to share your visions of the perfect home with your partner. Start by creating a shared board where both of you can pin images of your dream house features. Think about the style of the house, interior designs, landscaping, and even the location.

    Once you’ve added some pins, hop on a video call and talk through your choices. What do you love about each pin, how do you envision living in that space, and what special features would you love to include? Talk about what a perfect Sunday morning would be like in your home. This activity not only helps you align your future dreams and aspirations, but makes you feel more connected and excited about the possibilities.

  2. Plan your dream vacation
    Traveling together might be challenging now, but planning your dream vacation can be a wonderful way to bond and create something exciting to look forward to. Choose a destination you both want to visit and dive into the details.

    Share your screens, look up photos and videos of the places you want to visit, and immerse yourselves in the excitement of future travel plans. What hotel would you love to stay at? What restaurants should you try, and what would you order? What activities would you do? Feel free to be as realistic or idealistic as you wish!

  3. Create your couple’s bucket list
    As a couple, there are probably at least a few goals you’d like to accomplish together. Writing them down and making a plan to achieve them can be a fun and inspirational way to spend your next date.

    Start by listing all the things you want to do together. These could be big goals, like moving in together or applying for a visa, or simple activities like reading a new book together. Don’t shy away from silly or extreme goals, either! Want to go skydiving? Eat waffles in Belgium? Sing karaoke together? These goals add a sense of whimsy to your bucket list (and will make for incredible stories to tell in the future!).

    How about starting a “date bucket list?” That’s one way Waffle user Kira and her long-distance boyfriend use the app to dream about their future together. 

Long-Distance Relationships Are Easier with Waffle 

Whether you’re separated by a few miles or entire continents, feeling far from your partner is never easy. 

But here’s the thing: when you do finally meet again, you’ll come together even stronger and more deeply connected for having put in all this extra effort to keep your spark alive. After trying some of these date ideas and the Waffle app, you may even find yourself with a sentimental “scrapbook” of memories, like Ashley who uses Waffle “ to share moments and images in one place, giving us something to look back on when we finally break the distance for good.” 

At Waffle, we’re passionate about helping people navigate long-distance relationships. We believe that feeling close and open with our loved ones is not only healing, but the secret for living a joyful life. With the Waffle app, you can connect more meaningfully through shared journaling to stay connected and get to know each other better, no matter how far apart you are. 

Ready to write your way to more fulfilling relationships? It’s a date! Download the Waffle app and start journaling with your long-distance boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or even a far-away friend. 

Let’s be real: long-distance relationships are tough

While we may have lots of helpful technology to stay connected, it’s not just about being able to hear each other’s voices or see each other’s faces. It’s about having shared experiences, making new memories, and doing things as a couple.

Creating that sense of togetherness while apart isn’t impossible, but it does require a touch of creativity and dedication to keep the spark alive. And that’s where long distance dates make all the difference. 

Is your brain coming up blank on fun dates to have when you’re long-distance? Not to worry – we’ve come up with twenty ways to turn an average video call into a special date experience. 

The Power of Long Distance Dates: Stay Close When Apart

Date nights are a crucial part of maintaining a healthy relationship, whether you live in the same house or on different continents. In fact, studies by the Marriage Foundation UK found that couples who planned regular date nights were 20% less likely to break up! 

So how is it that something as simple as date night can act like relationship glue? Scheduling regular dates shows you’re dedicating time to your relationship, no matter how busy life gets. It signals that your partner is a priority in your life and you value your time together (especially when it’s so limited). Date nights also…

  • Help you break away from routine 

  • Make each other feel special

  • Build positive memories 

  • Open space for relationship-building conversations

  • And allow you to learn, grow, and evolve together

Not to mention, life away from your partner can be pretty, well, boring. Making special plans for date nights helps build anticipation and excitement, giving you both something to look forward to. Whether it’s exploring new hobbies, discovering each other’s interests, or simply having fun, these shared moments can strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.

Long Distance Date Ideas for Any Couple 

Ready to plan your next long distance date, but don’t know where to start? We’ll take it from here. Grab your calendars, pick a day and time, and let’s plan something special for you both. 

Virtual Adventures: Long Distance Date Ideas for Curious Couples 

Who says you can’t travel the world together while being apart? Virtual adventures allow you to explore museums, national parks, and even world-class cities.

  1. Go on a virtual museum tour
    A museum tour is perfect for couples who love culture, history, and discovering new places together. Simply hop on a video call, choose a virtual tour, and start exploring. How about a romantic trip to Paris? Pour a glass of wine, then head off to find treasures in the Louvre, and take a virtual walk of the city of light.

  2. Attend an online concert (or create your own)
    Do you both love the same kind of music? Jam out together with a virtual concert. Many artists and orchestras offer live-streamed performances that you can watch simultaneously. Set up your video call, pick a concert, and enjoy the show. It’s almost like being there in person, minus the crowds.

    If your favorite bands aren’t hosting a virtual concert, you can always make your own at-home concert. Spotify and Apple Music both offer a song-syncing service so you can listen to the same songs at the same time over long distance. Alternate picking songs, or play music trivia to make the “concert” more interactive.

Cooking Together: Long Distance Date Ideas for Foodies 

Food brings us together, even when we’re at different tables. Share your love for food and culinary adventures with these delicious date ideas that let you cook, taste, and enjoy meals together from afar.

  1. Take a virtual cooking class
    Whether it’s a gourmet meal or a simple dessert, cooking simultaneously and then enjoying the meal over a video call can be incredibly romantic and fun. Try websites like Cozymeal and MasterClass which have a range of different virtual cooking classes to suit you and your partner’s tastes and skill levels.

  2. Have a virtual wine tasting experience
    Wine tasting is an incredible date idea, even if you can’t meet up at the vineyard. Choose a unique wine to try once or week or once a month that you can both find in your area. Then, do a tasting together and see what you think!

    With Confetti also offers a wine tasting kit plus a virtual experience from a real sommelier. More into beer, spirits, mixology, or wellness beverages? They have those too!

  3. Swap recipes and cook together
    When you can’t cook each other dinner, what’s the next best thing? A recipe exchange. Take turns choosing a favorite recipe to cook. Shop for the ingredients, meet online, and start cooking together! When you’re done, sit down for dinner “together” and chat about your day (or one of these conversation starters).

Get Crafty: Long Distance Date Ideas to Spark Creativity 

Unleash your creativity and bond with these crafty date ideas that allow you to express yourselves and create lasting memories (and keepsakes) together.

  1. Do a partner portrait painting
    Your beloved is your muse – now paint them! Set up your video call, grab your art supplies, and start creating. This activity allows you to see your partner through an artistic lens and express your feelings through your artwork. After you’ve finished, you can share your artwork with each other on the call, or keep it a surprise and mail your portraits to each other. This can be a fun and intimate way to spend time together, and the finished portraits may turn into a cherished keepsake – or at least give you a few laughs!

  2. Have a writing workshop
    If you both enjoy writing, why not start a joint blog or a story? You can take turns writing chapters or posts, then read them to each other during your video calls. This can be a fun and creative way to share your thoughts, dreams, and stories with each other.

    Using Waffle is also a great way to unleash the writer within. While many users journal to each other at different times, spending some time together writing can be a fun way to mix it up. Joseph and his girlfriend even used writing on Waffle as a way to celebrate an extra special date: “We spent our entire anniversary just writing essays for each other on that app [Waffle], and much much more love letters that were made easier due to the app.”

    So, turn on some music you both love, pick a prompt, and type away!

Fun and Games: Long-Distance Date Ideas to Cheer You Up

Add some excitement and laughter to your relationship with these playful date ideas designed to bring joy and a healthy dose of competition to your long-distance connection.

  1. Challenge each other to online games
    Got a competitive side? Online board games and video games allow you to play with (or against) each other, just as if you were in the same room. Try platforms like Tabletopia and Board Game Arena to find a range of games you can play together. Try a variety of games, like strategy-based games like Settlers of Catan and Risk, word games like Scrabble, or video games like It Takes Two.

  2. Do a virtual escape room
    Escape rooms are a fun and exciting way to bond, but you don’t have to visit one in person to enjoy them! You can solve puzzles and mysteries together in a virtual escape room. This is perfect for couples who love challenges and working together to find solutions. Platforms like The Escape Game Remote Adventures offer immersive experiences that make you feel like you’re in the same room.

  3. Host a private book club
    While you may prefer reading together on the couch, having a couple’s book club is the next best thing. Choose a book that interests both of you, and set a schedule to read specific chapters or sections by your next video call. Or, read the sections on your own and bring your thoughts, favorite parts, and insights to discuss on your date night.

Get Healthy Together: Long-Distance Date Ideas for Well-being 

Encouraging each other and sharing wellness goals can strengthen both your bodies and your relationship. These wellness ideas help you stay healthy together and banish those long-distance relationship blues. 

  1. Sweat together with a virtual workout
    Being away from your partner can be a lonely time. Thankfully, exercise is one of the best mood-boosters and can bring you together even when you’re apart. Sign up for online workout classes or yoga sessions that you can do at the same time. YouTube has tons of options for all fitness levels. Or, take your next call out on a run or walk!

  2. Do a couple’s meditation
    If you’re looking for something more relaxing, try meditating together. Use a guided meditation app and synchronize your sessions. This can help you both feel more connected and centered, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm in your relationship.

  3. Pamper yourselves with a virtual spa night
    If you’re a beauty buff, why not make a date out of sharing your favorite rituals. Host a DIY spa night with homemade facial masks, herbal tea, and self-foot massages. This date idea is sure to trigger some giggles, which will only leave you with even more of a radiant glow!

Feel the Love: Romantic Long Distance Date Ideas

You don’t have to be physically together to feel deeply connected. Spice up your virtual dates with these ideas. 

  1. Dive deeper with conversation starters
    Sometimes, the best way to feel closer is through meaningful conversations. But, going beyond “how was your day” and getting a deep conversation started isn’t always easy. Our blog on 100 deep questions to ask is a great place to start. All these questions are designed to help you feel more connected, open up about your feelings, and learn new things about each other. Make this a regular part of your date nights by choosing a few questions to discuss each week when you connect (or use them for journal prompts on the Waffle app).

  2. “Take” them somewhere special
    One of the most heartfelt ways to connect with your partner is to take them on a virtual journey to a special place in your area. Maybe that's a scenic spot in your hometown, a favorite park, a beautiful beach, or your local coffee shop. No matter where, taking your video calls to a new setting will help your partner feel like they are right there with you.

  3. Send each other surprise care packages
    Surprise your partner with a thoughtful care package filled with items that remind them of you and your relationship. This can include handwritten love letters, their favorite snacks, small gifts, or even a scent you know they love. Once they receive the package, you can plan a video call to open it together. Seeing their reaction and sharing the moment virtually can make the experience even more special.

  4. Get dressed up, just because
    Who says you can’t dress up for a virtual date? Trade the sweatpants or pajamas for something a bit fancier – as if you were going out to a nice restaurant. Then, enjoy a virtual date where you both look and feel your best. Putting in this extra effort makes the date feel more special and adds a touch of glamor to your long-distance relationship.

Dream Big: Long-Distance Date Ideas to Feel Excited for the Future 

It may be hard to make solid plans right now, but instead of focusing on the stress of being apart, enjoy the anticipation of being together in the future. Planning for the days when distance will no longer be an issue brings a much-needed sense of hope and joy to long distance relationships. 

  1. Have a “dream house” Pinterest date
    Who doesn’t love dreaming about their future home? Co-creating a Pinterest board or other mood board is a fun and creative way to share your visions of the perfect home with your partner. Start by creating a shared board where both of you can pin images of your dream house features. Think about the style of the house, interior designs, landscaping, and even the location.

    Once you’ve added some pins, hop on a video call and talk through your choices. What do you love about each pin, how do you envision living in that space, and what special features would you love to include? Talk about what a perfect Sunday morning would be like in your home. This activity not only helps you align your future dreams and aspirations, but makes you feel more connected and excited about the possibilities.

  2. Plan your dream vacation
    Traveling together might be challenging now, but planning your dream vacation can be a wonderful way to bond and create something exciting to look forward to. Choose a destination you both want to visit and dive into the details.

    Share your screens, look up photos and videos of the places you want to visit, and immerse yourselves in the excitement of future travel plans. What hotel would you love to stay at? What restaurants should you try, and what would you order? What activities would you do? Feel free to be as realistic or idealistic as you wish!

  3. Create your couple’s bucket list
    As a couple, there are probably at least a few goals you’d like to accomplish together. Writing them down and making a plan to achieve them can be a fun and inspirational way to spend your next date.

    Start by listing all the things you want to do together. These could be big goals, like moving in together or applying for a visa, or simple activities like reading a new book together. Don’t shy away from silly or extreme goals, either! Want to go skydiving? Eat waffles in Belgium? Sing karaoke together? These goals add a sense of whimsy to your bucket list (and will make for incredible stories to tell in the future!).

    How about starting a “date bucket list?” That’s one way Waffle user Kira and her long-distance boyfriend use the app to dream about their future together. 

Long-Distance Relationships Are Easier with Waffle 

Whether you’re separated by a few miles or entire continents, feeling far from your partner is never easy. 

But here’s the thing: when you do finally meet again, you’ll come together even stronger and more deeply connected for having put in all this extra effort to keep your spark alive. After trying some of these date ideas and the Waffle app, you may even find yourself with a sentimental “scrapbook” of memories, like Ashley who uses Waffle “ to share moments and images in one place, giving us something to look back on when we finally break the distance for good.” 

At Waffle, we’re passionate about helping people navigate long-distance relationships. We believe that feeling close and open with our loved ones is not only healing, but the secret for living a joyful life. With the Waffle app, you can connect more meaningfully through shared journaling to stay connected and get to know each other better, no matter how far apart you are. 

Ready to write your way to more fulfilling relationships? It’s a date! Download the Waffle app and start journaling with your long-distance boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or even a far-away friend. 

Let’s be real: long-distance relationships are tough

While we may have lots of helpful technology to stay connected, it’s not just about being able to hear each other’s voices or see each other’s faces. It’s about having shared experiences, making new memories, and doing things as a couple.

Creating that sense of togetherness while apart isn’t impossible, but it does require a touch of creativity and dedication to keep the spark alive. And that’s where long distance dates make all the difference. 

Is your brain coming up blank on fun dates to have when you’re long-distance? Not to worry – we’ve come up with twenty ways to turn an average video call into a special date experience. 

The Power of Long Distance Dates: Stay Close When Apart

Date nights are a crucial part of maintaining a healthy relationship, whether you live in the same house or on different continents. In fact, studies by the Marriage Foundation UK found that couples who planned regular date nights were 20% less likely to break up! 

So how is it that something as simple as date night can act like relationship glue? Scheduling regular dates shows you’re dedicating time to your relationship, no matter how busy life gets. It signals that your partner is a priority in your life and you value your time together (especially when it’s so limited). Date nights also…

  • Help you break away from routine 

  • Make each other feel special

  • Build positive memories 

  • Open space for relationship-building conversations

  • And allow you to learn, grow, and evolve together

Not to mention, life away from your partner can be pretty, well, boring. Making special plans for date nights helps build anticipation and excitement, giving you both something to look forward to. Whether it’s exploring new hobbies, discovering each other’s interests, or simply having fun, these shared moments can strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.

Long Distance Date Ideas for Any Couple 

Ready to plan your next long distance date, but don’t know where to start? We’ll take it from here. Grab your calendars, pick a day and time, and let’s plan something special for you both. 

Virtual Adventures: Long Distance Date Ideas for Curious Couples 

Who says you can’t travel the world together while being apart? Virtual adventures allow you to explore museums, national parks, and even world-class cities.

  1. Go on a virtual museum tour
    A museum tour is perfect for couples who love culture, history, and discovering new places together. Simply hop on a video call, choose a virtual tour, and start exploring. How about a romantic trip to Paris? Pour a glass of wine, then head off to find treasures in the Louvre, and take a virtual walk of the city of light.

  2. Attend an online concert (or create your own)
    Do you both love the same kind of music? Jam out together with a virtual concert. Many artists and orchestras offer live-streamed performances that you can watch simultaneously. Set up your video call, pick a concert, and enjoy the show. It’s almost like being there in person, minus the crowds.

    If your favorite bands aren’t hosting a virtual concert, you can always make your own at-home concert. Spotify and Apple Music both offer a song-syncing service so you can listen to the same songs at the same time over long distance. Alternate picking songs, or play music trivia to make the “concert” more interactive.

Cooking Together: Long Distance Date Ideas for Foodies 

Food brings us together, even when we’re at different tables. Share your love for food and culinary adventures with these delicious date ideas that let you cook, taste, and enjoy meals together from afar.

  1. Take a virtual cooking class
    Whether it’s a gourmet meal or a simple dessert, cooking simultaneously and then enjoying the meal over a video call can be incredibly romantic and fun. Try websites like Cozymeal and MasterClass which have a range of different virtual cooking classes to suit you and your partner’s tastes and skill levels.

  2. Have a virtual wine tasting experience
    Wine tasting is an incredible date idea, even if you can’t meet up at the vineyard. Choose a unique wine to try once or week or once a month that you can both find in your area. Then, do a tasting together and see what you think!

    With Confetti also offers a wine tasting kit plus a virtual experience from a real sommelier. More into beer, spirits, mixology, or wellness beverages? They have those too!

  3. Swap recipes and cook together
    When you can’t cook each other dinner, what’s the next best thing? A recipe exchange. Take turns choosing a favorite recipe to cook. Shop for the ingredients, meet online, and start cooking together! When you’re done, sit down for dinner “together” and chat about your day (or one of these conversation starters).

Get Crafty: Long Distance Date Ideas to Spark Creativity 

Unleash your creativity and bond with these crafty date ideas that allow you to express yourselves and create lasting memories (and keepsakes) together.

  1. Do a partner portrait painting
    Your beloved is your muse – now paint them! Set up your video call, grab your art supplies, and start creating. This activity allows you to see your partner through an artistic lens and express your feelings through your artwork. After you’ve finished, you can share your artwork with each other on the call, or keep it a surprise and mail your portraits to each other. This can be a fun and intimate way to spend time together, and the finished portraits may turn into a cherished keepsake – or at least give you a few laughs!

  2. Have a writing workshop
    If you both enjoy writing, why not start a joint blog or a story? You can take turns writing chapters or posts, then read them to each other during your video calls. This can be a fun and creative way to share your thoughts, dreams, and stories with each other.

    Using Waffle is also a great way to unleash the writer within. While many users journal to each other at different times, spending some time together writing can be a fun way to mix it up. Joseph and his girlfriend even used writing on Waffle as a way to celebrate an extra special date: “We spent our entire anniversary just writing essays for each other on that app [Waffle], and much much more love letters that were made easier due to the app.”

    So, turn on some music you both love, pick a prompt, and type away!

Fun and Games: Long-Distance Date Ideas to Cheer You Up

Add some excitement and laughter to your relationship with these playful date ideas designed to bring joy and a healthy dose of competition to your long-distance connection.

  1. Challenge each other to online games
    Got a competitive side? Online board games and video games allow you to play with (or against) each other, just as if you were in the same room. Try platforms like Tabletopia and Board Game Arena to find a range of games you can play together. Try a variety of games, like strategy-based games like Settlers of Catan and Risk, word games like Scrabble, or video games like It Takes Two.

  2. Do a virtual escape room
    Escape rooms are a fun and exciting way to bond, but you don’t have to visit one in person to enjoy them! You can solve puzzles and mysteries together in a virtual escape room. This is perfect for couples who love challenges and working together to find solutions. Platforms like The Escape Game Remote Adventures offer immersive experiences that make you feel like you’re in the same room.

  3. Host a private book club
    While you may prefer reading together on the couch, having a couple’s book club is the next best thing. Choose a book that interests both of you, and set a schedule to read specific chapters or sections by your next video call. Or, read the sections on your own and bring your thoughts, favorite parts, and insights to discuss on your date night.

Get Healthy Together: Long-Distance Date Ideas for Well-being 

Encouraging each other and sharing wellness goals can strengthen both your bodies and your relationship. These wellness ideas help you stay healthy together and banish those long-distance relationship blues. 

  1. Sweat together with a virtual workout
    Being away from your partner can be a lonely time. Thankfully, exercise is one of the best mood-boosters and can bring you together even when you’re apart. Sign up for online workout classes or yoga sessions that you can do at the same time. YouTube has tons of options for all fitness levels. Or, take your next call out on a run or walk!

  2. Do a couple’s meditation
    If you’re looking for something more relaxing, try meditating together. Use a guided meditation app and synchronize your sessions. This can help you both feel more connected and centered, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm in your relationship.

  3. Pamper yourselves with a virtual spa night
    If you’re a beauty buff, why not make a date out of sharing your favorite rituals. Host a DIY spa night with homemade facial masks, herbal tea, and self-foot massages. This date idea is sure to trigger some giggles, which will only leave you with even more of a radiant glow!

Feel the Love: Romantic Long Distance Date Ideas

You don’t have to be physically together to feel deeply connected. Spice up your virtual dates with these ideas. 

  1. Dive deeper with conversation starters
    Sometimes, the best way to feel closer is through meaningful conversations. But, going beyond “how was your day” and getting a deep conversation started isn’t always easy. Our blog on 100 deep questions to ask is a great place to start. All these questions are designed to help you feel more connected, open up about your feelings, and learn new things about each other. Make this a regular part of your date nights by choosing a few questions to discuss each week when you connect (or use them for journal prompts on the Waffle app).

  2. “Take” them somewhere special
    One of the most heartfelt ways to connect with your partner is to take them on a virtual journey to a special place in your area. Maybe that's a scenic spot in your hometown, a favorite park, a beautiful beach, or your local coffee shop. No matter where, taking your video calls to a new setting will help your partner feel like they are right there with you.

  3. Send each other surprise care packages
    Surprise your partner with a thoughtful care package filled with items that remind them of you and your relationship. This can include handwritten love letters, their favorite snacks, small gifts, or even a scent you know they love. Once they receive the package, you can plan a video call to open it together. Seeing their reaction and sharing the moment virtually can make the experience even more special.

  4. Get dressed up, just because
    Who says you can’t dress up for a virtual date? Trade the sweatpants or pajamas for something a bit fancier – as if you were going out to a nice restaurant. Then, enjoy a virtual date where you both look and feel your best. Putting in this extra effort makes the date feel more special and adds a touch of glamor to your long-distance relationship.

Dream Big: Long-Distance Date Ideas to Feel Excited for the Future 

It may be hard to make solid plans right now, but instead of focusing on the stress of being apart, enjoy the anticipation of being together in the future. Planning for the days when distance will no longer be an issue brings a much-needed sense of hope and joy to long distance relationships. 

  1. Have a “dream house” Pinterest date
    Who doesn’t love dreaming about their future home? Co-creating a Pinterest board or other mood board is a fun and creative way to share your visions of the perfect home with your partner. Start by creating a shared board where both of you can pin images of your dream house features. Think about the style of the house, interior designs, landscaping, and even the location.

    Once you’ve added some pins, hop on a video call and talk through your choices. What do you love about each pin, how do you envision living in that space, and what special features would you love to include? Talk about what a perfect Sunday morning would be like in your home. This activity not only helps you align your future dreams and aspirations, but makes you feel more connected and excited about the possibilities.

  2. Plan your dream vacation
    Traveling together might be challenging now, but planning your dream vacation can be a wonderful way to bond and create something exciting to look forward to. Choose a destination you both want to visit and dive into the details.

    Share your screens, look up photos and videos of the places you want to visit, and immerse yourselves in the excitement of future travel plans. What hotel would you love to stay at? What restaurants should you try, and what would you order? What activities would you do? Feel free to be as realistic or idealistic as you wish!

  3. Create your couple’s bucket list
    As a couple, there are probably at least a few goals you’d like to accomplish together. Writing them down and making a plan to achieve them can be a fun and inspirational way to spend your next date.

    Start by listing all the things you want to do together. These could be big goals, like moving in together or applying for a visa, or simple activities like reading a new book together. Don’t shy away from silly or extreme goals, either! Want to go skydiving? Eat waffles in Belgium? Sing karaoke together? These goals add a sense of whimsy to your bucket list (and will make for incredible stories to tell in the future!).

    How about starting a “date bucket list?” That’s one way Waffle user Kira and her long-distance boyfriend use the app to dream about their future together. 

Long-Distance Relationships Are Easier with Waffle 

Whether you’re separated by a few miles or entire continents, feeling far from your partner is never easy. 

But here’s the thing: when you do finally meet again, you’ll come together even stronger and more deeply connected for having put in all this extra effort to keep your spark alive. After trying some of these date ideas and the Waffle app, you may even find yourself with a sentimental “scrapbook” of memories, like Ashley who uses Waffle “ to share moments and images in one place, giving us something to look back on when we finally break the distance for good.” 

At Waffle, we’re passionate about helping people navigate long-distance relationships. We believe that feeling close and open with our loved ones is not only healing, but the secret for living a joyful life. With the Waffle app, you can connect more meaningfully through shared journaling to stay connected and get to know each other better, no matter how far apart you are. 

Ready to write your way to more fulfilling relationships? It’s a date! Download the Waffle app and start journaling with your long-distance boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or even a far-away friend. 

Let’s be real: long-distance relationships are tough

While we may have lots of helpful technology to stay connected, it’s not just about being able to hear each other’s voices or see each other’s faces. It’s about having shared experiences, making new memories, and doing things as a couple.

Creating that sense of togetherness while apart isn’t impossible, but it does require a touch of creativity and dedication to keep the spark alive. And that’s where long distance dates make all the difference. 

Is your brain coming up blank on fun dates to have when you’re long-distance? Not to worry – we’ve come up with twenty ways to turn an average video call into a special date experience. 

The Power of Long Distance Dates: Stay Close When Apart

Date nights are a crucial part of maintaining a healthy relationship, whether you live in the same house or on different continents. In fact, studies by the Marriage Foundation UK found that couples who planned regular date nights were 20% less likely to break up! 

So how is it that something as simple as date night can act like relationship glue? Scheduling regular dates shows you’re dedicating time to your relationship, no matter how busy life gets. It signals that your partner is a priority in your life and you value your time together (especially when it’s so limited). Date nights also…

  • Help you break away from routine 

  • Make each other feel special

  • Build positive memories 

  • Open space for relationship-building conversations

  • And allow you to learn, grow, and evolve together

Not to mention, life away from your partner can be pretty, well, boring. Making special plans for date nights helps build anticipation and excitement, giving you both something to look forward to. Whether it’s exploring new hobbies, discovering each other’s interests, or simply having fun, these shared moments can strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.

Long Distance Date Ideas for Any Couple 

Ready to plan your next long distance date, but don’t know where to start? We’ll take it from here. Grab your calendars, pick a day and time, and let’s plan something special for you both. 

Virtual Adventures: Long Distance Date Ideas for Curious Couples 

Who says you can’t travel the world together while being apart? Virtual adventures allow you to explore museums, national parks, and even world-class cities.

  1. Go on a virtual museum tour
    A museum tour is perfect for couples who love culture, history, and discovering new places together. Simply hop on a video call, choose a virtual tour, and start exploring. How about a romantic trip to Paris? Pour a glass of wine, then head off to find treasures in the Louvre, and take a virtual walk of the city of light.

  2. Attend an online concert (or create your own)
    Do you both love the same kind of music? Jam out together with a virtual concert. Many artists and orchestras offer live-streamed performances that you can watch simultaneously. Set up your video call, pick a concert, and enjoy the show. It’s almost like being there in person, minus the crowds.

    If your favorite bands aren’t hosting a virtual concert, you can always make your own at-home concert. Spotify and Apple Music both offer a song-syncing service so you can listen to the same songs at the same time over long distance. Alternate picking songs, or play music trivia to make the “concert” more interactive.

Cooking Together: Long Distance Date Ideas for Foodies 

Food brings us together, even when we’re at different tables. Share your love for food and culinary adventures with these delicious date ideas that let you cook, taste, and enjoy meals together from afar.

  1. Take a virtual cooking class
    Whether it’s a gourmet meal or a simple dessert, cooking simultaneously and then enjoying the meal over a video call can be incredibly romantic and fun. Try websites like Cozymeal and MasterClass which have a range of different virtual cooking classes to suit you and your partner’s tastes and skill levels.

  2. Have a virtual wine tasting experience
    Wine tasting is an incredible date idea, even if you can’t meet up at the vineyard. Choose a unique wine to try once or week or once a month that you can both find in your area. Then, do a tasting together and see what you think!

    With Confetti also offers a wine tasting kit plus a virtual experience from a real sommelier. More into beer, spirits, mixology, or wellness beverages? They have those too!

  3. Swap recipes and cook together
    When you can’t cook each other dinner, what’s the next best thing? A recipe exchange. Take turns choosing a favorite recipe to cook. Shop for the ingredients, meet online, and start cooking together! When you’re done, sit down for dinner “together” and chat about your day (or one of these conversation starters).

Get Crafty: Long Distance Date Ideas to Spark Creativity 

Unleash your creativity and bond with these crafty date ideas that allow you to express yourselves and create lasting memories (and keepsakes) together.

  1. Do a partner portrait painting
    Your beloved is your muse – now paint them! Set up your video call, grab your art supplies, and start creating. This activity allows you to see your partner through an artistic lens and express your feelings through your artwork. After you’ve finished, you can share your artwork with each other on the call, or keep it a surprise and mail your portraits to each other. This can be a fun and intimate way to spend time together, and the finished portraits may turn into a cherished keepsake – or at least give you a few laughs!

  2. Have a writing workshop
    If you both enjoy writing, why not start a joint blog or a story? You can take turns writing chapters or posts, then read them to each other during your video calls. This can be a fun and creative way to share your thoughts, dreams, and stories with each other.

    Using Waffle is also a great way to unleash the writer within. While many users journal to each other at different times, spending some time together writing can be a fun way to mix it up. Joseph and his girlfriend even used writing on Waffle as a way to celebrate an extra special date: “We spent our entire anniversary just writing essays for each other on that app [Waffle], and much much more love letters that were made easier due to the app.”

    So, turn on some music you both love, pick a prompt, and type away!

Fun and Games: Long-Distance Date Ideas to Cheer You Up

Add some excitement and laughter to your relationship with these playful date ideas designed to bring joy and a healthy dose of competition to your long-distance connection.

  1. Challenge each other to online games
    Got a competitive side? Online board games and video games allow you to play with (or against) each other, just as if you were in the same room. Try platforms like Tabletopia and Board Game Arena to find a range of games you can play together. Try a variety of games, like strategy-based games like Settlers of Catan and Risk, word games like Scrabble, or video games like It Takes Two.

  2. Do a virtual escape room
    Escape rooms are a fun and exciting way to bond, but you don’t have to visit one in person to enjoy them! You can solve puzzles and mysteries together in a virtual escape room. This is perfect for couples who love challenges and working together to find solutions. Platforms like The Escape Game Remote Adventures offer immersive experiences that make you feel like you’re in the same room.

  3. Host a private book club
    While you may prefer reading together on the couch, having a couple’s book club is the next best thing. Choose a book that interests both of you, and set a schedule to read specific chapters or sections by your next video call. Or, read the sections on your own and bring your thoughts, favorite parts, and insights to discuss on your date night.

Get Healthy Together: Long-Distance Date Ideas for Well-being 

Encouraging each other and sharing wellness goals can strengthen both your bodies and your relationship. These wellness ideas help you stay healthy together and banish those long-distance relationship blues. 

  1. Sweat together with a virtual workout
    Being away from your partner can be a lonely time. Thankfully, exercise is one of the best mood-boosters and can bring you together even when you’re apart. Sign up for online workout classes or yoga sessions that you can do at the same time. YouTube has tons of options for all fitness levels. Or, take your next call out on a run or walk!

  2. Do a couple’s meditation
    If you’re looking for something more relaxing, try meditating together. Use a guided meditation app and synchronize your sessions. This can help you both feel more connected and centered, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm in your relationship.

  3. Pamper yourselves with a virtual spa night
    If you’re a beauty buff, why not make a date out of sharing your favorite rituals. Host a DIY spa night with homemade facial masks, herbal tea, and self-foot massages. This date idea is sure to trigger some giggles, which will only leave you with even more of a radiant glow!

Feel the Love: Romantic Long Distance Date Ideas

You don’t have to be physically together to feel deeply connected. Spice up your virtual dates with these ideas. 

  1. Dive deeper with conversation starters
    Sometimes, the best way to feel closer is through meaningful conversations. But, going beyond “how was your day” and getting a deep conversation started isn’t always easy. Our blog on 100 deep questions to ask is a great place to start. All these questions are designed to help you feel more connected, open up about your feelings, and learn new things about each other. Make this a regular part of your date nights by choosing a few questions to discuss each week when you connect (or use them for journal prompts on the Waffle app).

  2. “Take” them somewhere special
    One of the most heartfelt ways to connect with your partner is to take them on a virtual journey to a special place in your area. Maybe that's a scenic spot in your hometown, a favorite park, a beautiful beach, or your local coffee shop. No matter where, taking your video calls to a new setting will help your partner feel like they are right there with you.

  3. Send each other surprise care packages
    Surprise your partner with a thoughtful care package filled with items that remind them of you and your relationship. This can include handwritten love letters, their favorite snacks, small gifts, or even a scent you know they love. Once they receive the package, you can plan a video call to open it together. Seeing their reaction and sharing the moment virtually can make the experience even more special.

  4. Get dressed up, just because
    Who says you can’t dress up for a virtual date? Trade the sweatpants or pajamas for something a bit fancier – as if you were going out to a nice restaurant. Then, enjoy a virtual date where you both look and feel your best. Putting in this extra effort makes the date feel more special and adds a touch of glamor to your long-distance relationship.

Dream Big: Long-Distance Date Ideas to Feel Excited for the Future 

It may be hard to make solid plans right now, but instead of focusing on the stress of being apart, enjoy the anticipation of being together in the future. Planning for the days when distance will no longer be an issue brings a much-needed sense of hope and joy to long distance relationships. 

  1. Have a “dream house” Pinterest date
    Who doesn’t love dreaming about their future home? Co-creating a Pinterest board or other mood board is a fun and creative way to share your visions of the perfect home with your partner. Start by creating a shared board where both of you can pin images of your dream house features. Think about the style of the house, interior designs, landscaping, and even the location.

    Once you’ve added some pins, hop on a video call and talk through your choices. What do you love about each pin, how do you envision living in that space, and what special features would you love to include? Talk about what a perfect Sunday morning would be like in your home. This activity not only helps you align your future dreams and aspirations, but makes you feel more connected and excited about the possibilities.

  2. Plan your dream vacation
    Traveling together might be challenging now, but planning your dream vacation can be a wonderful way to bond and create something exciting to look forward to. Choose a destination you both want to visit and dive into the details.

    Share your screens, look up photos and videos of the places you want to visit, and immerse yourselves in the excitement of future travel plans. What hotel would you love to stay at? What restaurants should you try, and what would you order? What activities would you do? Feel free to be as realistic or idealistic as you wish!

  3. Create your couple’s bucket list
    As a couple, there are probably at least a few goals you’d like to accomplish together. Writing them down and making a plan to achieve them can be a fun and inspirational way to spend your next date.

    Start by listing all the things you want to do together. These could be big goals, like moving in together or applying for a visa, or simple activities like reading a new book together. Don’t shy away from silly or extreme goals, either! Want to go skydiving? Eat waffles in Belgium? Sing karaoke together? These goals add a sense of whimsy to your bucket list (and will make for incredible stories to tell in the future!).

    How about starting a “date bucket list?” That’s one way Waffle user Kira and her long-distance boyfriend use the app to dream about their future together. 

Long-Distance Relationships Are Easier with Waffle 

Whether you’re separated by a few miles or entire continents, feeling far from your partner is never easy. 

But here’s the thing: when you do finally meet again, you’ll come together even stronger and more deeply connected for having put in all this extra effort to keep your spark alive. After trying some of these date ideas and the Waffle app, you may even find yourself with a sentimental “scrapbook” of memories, like Ashley who uses Waffle “ to share moments and images in one place, giving us something to look back on when we finally break the distance for good.” 

At Waffle, we’re passionate about helping people navigate long-distance relationships. We believe that feeling close and open with our loved ones is not only healing, but the secret for living a joyful life. With the Waffle app, you can connect more meaningfully through shared journaling to stay connected and get to know each other better, no matter how far apart you are. 

Ready to write your way to more fulfilling relationships? It’s a date! Download the Waffle app and start journaling with your long-distance boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or even a far-away friend. 

Waffle: #1 Shared Journal App

Connect, bond, and share emotional support

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Waffle: #1 Shared Journal App

Bond and share emotional support

4.8 • 4K Ratings

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Waffle: #1 Shared Journal App

Connect, bond, and share emotional support

4.8 • 4K Ratings

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Waffle: #1 Shared Journal App

Bond and share emotional support

4.8 • 4K Ratings

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