



Shelley Sunjka





Aug 12, 2024

Aug 12, 2024

Aug 12, 2024

Aug 12, 2024

33 Inspiring Mother-Daughter Quotes

33 Inspiring Mother-Daughter Quotes

33 Inspiring Mother-Daughter Quotes

33 Inspiring Mother-Daughter Quotes

33 Inspiring Mother-Daughter Quotes

One of life’s most beautiful gifts is the birth of a daughter. 

The mother daughter bond is a special relationship of unconditional love that only a mother and daughter understand. 

“Youth fades, love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hope outlives them all.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

This quote is one of the best at capturing the timeless nature of a mother’s love - nothing else can compare and it’s something you only understand once you have had a child.

Becoming a mom is one of the hardest transitions in life and nothing can quite prepare you for the overwhelming feelings you will experience on this journey. 

"It's not easy being a mom. If it were, fathers would do it." ~ Betty White

It is such a profound transformation that the internet is flooded with mother daughter quotes that try to sum up the true meaning of this extraordinary connection.

Sure, not all relationships are smooth sailing and of course there are rough patches, but a daughter enhances a mother’s life with unparalleled joy. No matter the tough times, a daughter can always find home in her mother’s arms. 

Just what makes this relationship so special is hard to define - it’s an all-consuming pure love, it’s challenging fights, it’s special mother daughter time filled with laughter, it’s broken hearts and tears - it’s the best and the worst of all that life has to offer…

But one thing that’s clear - it’s irreplaceable.

"Because even if the whole world was throwing rocks at you, if you had your mother at your back, you'd be okay. Some deep-rooted part of you would know you were loved." ~ Jojo Moyes, One Plus One

The Science Behind the Mother and Daughter Bond 

Becoming a mother is something that changes you forever, right down to your cells. 

Did you know that your baby’s DNA lives in your bloodstream for years after their birth and in your tissues forever? This phenomenon is called Fetal Microchimerism, so there is actual science that backs up that a mother and daughter are connected in the deepest ways, forever and always.

"As mothers and daughters, we are connected to one another. My mother is in the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and true. She is in my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is in the beating of my heart. I cannot now imagine a life without her." ~ Kristin Hannah, Summer Island

Using Mother and Daughter Quotes as Inspiration 

There are so many heartfelt quotes that sum up the nature of this special bond between a mom and her daughters. But here’s the thing, there is nothing that beats receiving a message straight from someone’s heart - raw, real, and forever special.

So while someone else’s mother daughter quotes are great to use for inspiration on Mother’s day, special text messages, or in birthday cards, always remember the most perfect gift is the words from your own heart. 

And the same is true when a mother wants to communicate a special message to her daughter. The perfect words are the ones that flow without thinking or planning - they may not be Shakespearian poetry but in your daughter’s eyes they are by far the most meaningful.

“My mom taught me that a woman's mind should be the most beautiful part of her.” ~ Sonya Teclai

So whether you’re a mother or a daughter, always trust yourself to know the right thing  to say…

The Journey of Motherhood…

Motherhood is not a static journey. It is forever evolving. No two mothers have the same experiences because their children are so different, yet there is so much pressure on a mom to “get it right”.

We mothers are often very hard on ourselves, we question everything, we berate ourselves when we choose wrong and we sometimes make mistakes - but one thing that never changes is a mother’s love - it’s an unconditional love that knows no bounds.

As long as you are doing your best and your daughter is happy, then you’ve won. It’s time to stop putting pressure on ourselves to conform to some unattainable ideal of being “a perfect mom” and start enjoying the ride. 

Remember, your daughter is watching you and learning how to be a mom - be sure to teach her what really matters…

“We mothers are learning to mark our mothering success by our daughters’ lengthening flight.” ~ Letty Cottin Pogrebin, "Family Politics"

The Very Beginning Of The Mother Daughter Bond - Pregnancy

“Twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?” ~ Unknown

From the moment you see two lines on the test, your whole life changes irrevocably. It’s the hardest thing to explain, but you are awash with the deepest love you’ve ever felt for someone and you haven't even met yet, because "A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty." ~ Unknown

While birth is not an easy thing to go through even if it all goes smoothly, and for some women childbirth is extremely traumatic, one thing every mom agrees on unanimously is holding your brand new daughter is one of the true joyful moments of life. 

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” ~ Rajneesh

Mother Daughter Quotes in Infancy - Your Special Baby Girl 

“Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before you were here an hour, I would die for you. This is the miracle of Mother’s Love.” ~ Maureen Hawkins

The first year is undoubtedly the hardest - sleep deprivation, feeding schedules, wonder weeks, and an almost obscene amount of crying - yours and your daughters!

“If your baby is beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time—you’re the grandma.” ~ Theresa Bloomingdale

Despite the challenges, a baby daughter’s love is a band aid for everything - it’s during this first year where the special bond you started developing in utero is cemented. 

Your little girl’s smile makes your heart melt and every woman realizes that they have the world’s greatest daughter - and each one of them is completely right. 

Just a Little Girl - Best Mother Daughter Quotes in Toddlerhood

“Dear daughter: always remember: you are brave, you are capable, you are pretty, and you can accomplish anything  your heart desires! I know this because I am your mother.” ~ Unknown

Little girls need to be told often just how strong, capable, and beautiful they are. Self-esteem and worth start in those early years and it is the greatest gift daughters can receive from their mom. 

A little girl watching her mom learns all she needs to know about how she will treat herself one day - so be careful what you say, be careful how you talk about yourself and be careful of being self-critical, because she’s watching you all the time. Give yourself the unconditional love you give her - you deserve it all too.

“You’ll be her first role model, her first friend, her first love. You are her mom, and she is your whole world. She is your little girl.” ~ Unknown

This is one of the most important mother quotes to internalize - your daughter’s job is learning about the world: make sure you’re an incredible teacher.

“A mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem” ~ Naomi Wolf

A Little Daughter Is a Mother’s Treasure - Heartwarming Mother Daughter Quotes in Early Childhood

"Mothers and daughters are part of each other’s consciousness, in different degrees and in a different way, but still with the mutual sense of something which has always been there." ~ Edith Wharton, The Mother’s Recompense

Your baby girl is growing up now and you start to realize that she is your very best friend. Tea parties, dress-up, silly make-up, dance parties, sleepovers in the lounge, baking cookies and fun outings - there is so much you can do with little girls to fill the days with laughter. 

Young daughters brighten the dreariest of days and inspire you to give the best of yourself in their service. These days are filled with hand holding, cuddles, and indiscernible clumps of clay for mother’s day that are given pride of place on the mantelpiece.

“You are my angel, you remind me of the goodness in this world and inspire me to be the greatest version of myself.” – Steve Maraboli

Best Mother Daughter Quotes for Tweens

“Having a little girl has been like following an old treasure map with the important paths torn away.” ~ Heather Gudenkauf

Your daughter is growing into a young woman now and may be trying on an independent spirit. The coming years can sometimes be rocky and hard to manage and many women pray for a manual to get through it, but always remember, beneath the hormones and sometimes stroppy attitude is a little girl trying to spread her own wings in a sometimes confusing world.

Always let her know you’re proud of who she is becoming…

“You are such a beautiful girl, and I’m so proud of the incredible way that you are growing up. Even at such a young age, you are full of wisdom, kindness, compassion, and courage.” ~ Unknown

Sentimental Mother Daughter Quotes to Survive the Teen Years

“A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.” ~ Dorothy C. Fisher

The best thing a mom can do for her teenage daughter is give her the space to make her own mistakes and give her a soft place to land when she messes up. 

“I can’t promise to solve your problems, but I can promise that you won’t have to face them alone.” ~ Unknown

Daughters will almost never appreciate this at the time and it’s a tough phase to get through, but take solace in knowing that one day she will be so very grateful for you - she will know that all her mother wanted was the best for her.

“Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding you together.” ~ Susan Gale

Using a shared journal like Waffle is a unique way to navigate the difficult teen years. Heidi says it has helped her talk to her teenage daughter about hard things and has brought them closer.

Best Mother Daughter Quotes for Young Adulthood - Forever My Friend…

“No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my baby girl.” ~ Unknown

Empty nest syndrome is a heart wrenching time for a mom, but remember, your daughter is a lifelong friend and physical distance won’t change that.

“No daughter and mother ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them." ~ Christie Watson, Tiny Sunbirds, Far Away

Many mothers and daughters struggle with this transition, but it can be one of life’s most beautiful chapters. Your daughter is now the special woman that you raised and watching her navigate love, life, and a career and being her eternal support through it all can help to change your dynamic to that of a best friend. 

“Some women pray for their daughters to marry good husbands. I pray that my daughters will find girlfriends half as loyal and true as the Ya-Ya’s” ~ Rebecca Wells, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Yes, she will have her own friends, but that can never replace the unconditional love of a mom. When she is broken-hearted, having a tough time at work, or fighting with a best friend, you will be the one she turns to for comfort, because there is nobody that knows your daughter like you do and nobody who can help her through life’s trials like you will.

“Life is tough my darling, but so are you.” ~ Stephanie Bennet Henry

One of the most important things a mom can do to support and guide her adult daughters through life is to be an open book. Tell them everything - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

“I will not be a mystery to my daughter. She will know me and I will share my stories with her—the stories of failure, shame, and accomplishment. She will know she’s not alone in that wilderness.” ~ Viola Davis

A shared journal is an awesome way to keep the mother daughter bond strong as your adult daughter stretches her wings in life. Cecilia says that the Waffle journal has helped her and her mother connect on a deeper level and stay up to date on the daily happenings in their lives.  

An exceptionally true P.S. 

Besides moms, never forget, “It’s not ’empty nest syndrome’ until all of their crap is out of your basement.” ~ Unknown

(And we all know, that’s never!)

Mother Daughter Quotes for Adulthood - Dear Daughter, You’re a Strong Woman Raised by a Strong Woman - You’ve Got This!

"Life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a mother.” ~ Unknown

The only person who will always be unconditionally in your corner is your mother. There is nobody who knows you better and nobody who will give you the honest advice you need when life knocks you down like your mom. 

When a daughter starts her own family that’s when she has the biggest lightbulb moment of her life. She understands all her mom sacrificed, and how hard her mother worked in service of her happiness. 

One of the best mother daughter quotes that sums this up is “Mothers and daughters are closest when the daughter becomes a mother” ~ Unknown

When a new baby is born, mothers and daughters once again carve out a new dynamic as they try on new roles. There is nothing more beautiful than watching three generations of women live life together, supporting each other and most importantly loving one another in all the ways that matter.

Mother Daughter Quotes as Old Age Draws In - Happy Memories

“Love your parents and be ready to care for them. Many adult children are so busy growing up that they forget that their parents are growing old at the same time.” ~ Unknown

One of the hardest things to do is watch your parents age - somehow, growing up, you seem to think they are invincible, and one day you notice they’re hunched over and gray and it can be like a lightning bolt to the chest.

So many people live with regrets. If your relationship with your mother has soured, be sure to make amends and do all you can to put things right. As a daughter, one of the greatest honors is caring for your elderly mother in the same self-sacrificing way she cared for you when you were young.

“We must all work together to build a better world for our children, and that starts with caring for our elders.” ~ Nelson Mandela

Be patient with your mom as she was with you when you were learning to walk and use a spoon. Showing kindness, care, and compassion to your elderly mother is a great thing to model for your children too as one day they will be caring for you. 

Life End Mother Daughter Quotes - Remembering Your Unbreakable Bond With The Greatest Mom in The World

“I chose not to lose my mom, and instead to gain an angel. In my mind, my heart, and my life, she is still completely present to this day — and as wise, compassionate and stubborn as ever” ~ Kevin Hart

Losing your mother changes you forever - it’s not a hole you can ever fill. You miss her daily, in the smallest of ways, and as if there was a gaping chasm in your soul. 

Grief is not easy and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. You need to take the time and feel the emotions deeply and be kind to yourself. In all the sadness it does help to remember all the good times, the funny times, the mom-isms that made your mother unique - these are band aids to a wound that never stops bleeding, but it does help. 

One of the best ways to honor the memory of your mother is to tell stories about her to your children. Tell them everything and show them the way she mothered you, in the way you mother them - let her spirit infuse your motherhood and that’s the greatest 21-gun salute you could ever give her.

"A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again." ~ Maya Angelou

The Role of Journaling - An Old Treasure Map Worth More Than the Most Precious Jewels

Keeping a shared journal like Waffle through all the stages of mother daughter life is a phenomenal keepsake. It’s like a daughter and mother’s treasure chest to look back on with fondness, most especially once your mother has passed on. It’s like having her with you in your pocket - reading funny entries to laugh or heartfelt ones to remember just how much she loved and cared for you. It’s the ultimate memorial because it’s a piece of her snatched out of time that you can hold onto forever. 

Last Thoughts - Funny Mother Daughter Quotes - If You Know, You Know 😅

The mother daughter bond is indeed special, but if you don’t keep a sense of humor while navigating motherhood, you may not survive. Here are some of the best mother daughter quotes to make you laugh… mostly because they are deadly accurate!

“Having a daughter is like having a mini, more stubborn version of yourself who argues about bedtime” ~ Unknown

“My daughter is my best friend, my greatest challenge, and my loudest alarm clock.” ~ Unknown

“I smile because I’m your daughter, I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it!” ~ Unknown

“The most expensive part of having a daughter is all the wine you need to cope.” ~ Unknown

“What’s it like to have the greatest daughter in the world? I don’t know, ask your grandmother.” ~ Unknown

“Trying to understand my teenage daughter is like trying to charge my phone with a pasta noodle.” ~ Unknown

“My daughter stole my heart. And my makeup. But mostly, my makeup” ~ Unknown

“Her first word was ‘Dada’, but ‘No’ is where she really shines.” ~ Unknown

“My daughter is my happy pill. Side effects include an empty wallet.” ~ Unknown

"Having a mini-me is all fun and games until she starts acting just like you." ~ Unknown

"By the time a woman realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she is wrong." ~ Unknown

Go on, laugh out loud - they’re all right! And we bet your daughters agree 😉

One of life’s most beautiful gifts is the birth of a daughter. 

The mother daughter bond is a special relationship of unconditional love that only a mother and daughter understand. 

“Youth fades, love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hope outlives them all.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

This quote is one of the best at capturing the timeless nature of a mother’s love - nothing else can compare and it’s something you only understand once you have had a child.

Becoming a mom is one of the hardest transitions in life and nothing can quite prepare you for the overwhelming feelings you will experience on this journey. 

"It's not easy being a mom. If it were, fathers would do it." ~ Betty White

It is such a profound transformation that the internet is flooded with mother daughter quotes that try to sum up the true meaning of this extraordinary connection.

Sure, not all relationships are smooth sailing and of course there are rough patches, but a daughter enhances a mother’s life with unparalleled joy. No matter the tough times, a daughter can always find home in her mother’s arms. 

Just what makes this relationship so special is hard to define - it’s an all-consuming pure love, it’s challenging fights, it’s special mother daughter time filled with laughter, it’s broken hearts and tears - it’s the best and the worst of all that life has to offer…

But one thing that’s clear - it’s irreplaceable.

"Because even if the whole world was throwing rocks at you, if you had your mother at your back, you'd be okay. Some deep-rooted part of you would know you were loved." ~ Jojo Moyes, One Plus One

The Science Behind the Mother and Daughter Bond 

Becoming a mother is something that changes you forever, right down to your cells. 

Did you know that your baby’s DNA lives in your bloodstream for years after their birth and in your tissues forever? This phenomenon is called Fetal Microchimerism, so there is actual science that backs up that a mother and daughter are connected in the deepest ways, forever and always.

"As mothers and daughters, we are connected to one another. My mother is in the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and true. She is in my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is in the beating of my heart. I cannot now imagine a life without her." ~ Kristin Hannah, Summer Island

Using Mother and Daughter Quotes as Inspiration 

There are so many heartfelt quotes that sum up the nature of this special bond between a mom and her daughters. But here’s the thing, there is nothing that beats receiving a message straight from someone’s heart - raw, real, and forever special.

So while someone else’s mother daughter quotes are great to use for inspiration on Mother’s day, special text messages, or in birthday cards, always remember the most perfect gift is the words from your own heart. 

And the same is true when a mother wants to communicate a special message to her daughter. The perfect words are the ones that flow without thinking or planning - they may not be Shakespearian poetry but in your daughter’s eyes they are by far the most meaningful.

“My mom taught me that a woman's mind should be the most beautiful part of her.” ~ Sonya Teclai

So whether you’re a mother or a daughter, always trust yourself to know the right thing  to say…

The Journey of Motherhood…

Motherhood is not a static journey. It is forever evolving. No two mothers have the same experiences because their children are so different, yet there is so much pressure on a mom to “get it right”.

We mothers are often very hard on ourselves, we question everything, we berate ourselves when we choose wrong and we sometimes make mistakes - but one thing that never changes is a mother’s love - it’s an unconditional love that knows no bounds.

As long as you are doing your best and your daughter is happy, then you’ve won. It’s time to stop putting pressure on ourselves to conform to some unattainable ideal of being “a perfect mom” and start enjoying the ride. 

Remember, your daughter is watching you and learning how to be a mom - be sure to teach her what really matters…

“We mothers are learning to mark our mothering success by our daughters’ lengthening flight.” ~ Letty Cottin Pogrebin, "Family Politics"

The Very Beginning Of The Mother Daughter Bond - Pregnancy

“Twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?” ~ Unknown

From the moment you see two lines on the test, your whole life changes irrevocably. It’s the hardest thing to explain, but you are awash with the deepest love you’ve ever felt for someone and you haven't even met yet, because "A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty." ~ Unknown

While birth is not an easy thing to go through even if it all goes smoothly, and for some women childbirth is extremely traumatic, one thing every mom agrees on unanimously is holding your brand new daughter is one of the true joyful moments of life. 

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” ~ Rajneesh

Mother Daughter Quotes in Infancy - Your Special Baby Girl 

“Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before you were here an hour, I would die for you. This is the miracle of Mother’s Love.” ~ Maureen Hawkins

The first year is undoubtedly the hardest - sleep deprivation, feeding schedules, wonder weeks, and an almost obscene amount of crying - yours and your daughters!

“If your baby is beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time—you’re the grandma.” ~ Theresa Bloomingdale

Despite the challenges, a baby daughter’s love is a band aid for everything - it’s during this first year where the special bond you started developing in utero is cemented. 

Your little girl’s smile makes your heart melt and every woman realizes that they have the world’s greatest daughter - and each one of them is completely right. 

Just a Little Girl - Best Mother Daughter Quotes in Toddlerhood

“Dear daughter: always remember: you are brave, you are capable, you are pretty, and you can accomplish anything  your heart desires! I know this because I am your mother.” ~ Unknown

Little girls need to be told often just how strong, capable, and beautiful they are. Self-esteem and worth start in those early years and it is the greatest gift daughters can receive from their mom. 

A little girl watching her mom learns all she needs to know about how she will treat herself one day - so be careful what you say, be careful how you talk about yourself and be careful of being self-critical, because she’s watching you all the time. Give yourself the unconditional love you give her - you deserve it all too.

“You’ll be her first role model, her first friend, her first love. You are her mom, and she is your whole world. She is your little girl.” ~ Unknown

This is one of the most important mother quotes to internalize - your daughter’s job is learning about the world: make sure you’re an incredible teacher.

“A mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem” ~ Naomi Wolf

A Little Daughter Is a Mother’s Treasure - Heartwarming Mother Daughter Quotes in Early Childhood

"Mothers and daughters are part of each other’s consciousness, in different degrees and in a different way, but still with the mutual sense of something which has always been there." ~ Edith Wharton, The Mother’s Recompense

Your baby girl is growing up now and you start to realize that she is your very best friend. Tea parties, dress-up, silly make-up, dance parties, sleepovers in the lounge, baking cookies and fun outings - there is so much you can do with little girls to fill the days with laughter. 

Young daughters brighten the dreariest of days and inspire you to give the best of yourself in their service. These days are filled with hand holding, cuddles, and indiscernible clumps of clay for mother’s day that are given pride of place on the mantelpiece.

“You are my angel, you remind me of the goodness in this world and inspire me to be the greatest version of myself.” – Steve Maraboli

Best Mother Daughter Quotes for Tweens

“Having a little girl has been like following an old treasure map with the important paths torn away.” ~ Heather Gudenkauf

Your daughter is growing into a young woman now and may be trying on an independent spirit. The coming years can sometimes be rocky and hard to manage and many women pray for a manual to get through it, but always remember, beneath the hormones and sometimes stroppy attitude is a little girl trying to spread her own wings in a sometimes confusing world.

Always let her know you’re proud of who she is becoming…

“You are such a beautiful girl, and I’m so proud of the incredible way that you are growing up. Even at such a young age, you are full of wisdom, kindness, compassion, and courage.” ~ Unknown

Sentimental Mother Daughter Quotes to Survive the Teen Years

“A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.” ~ Dorothy C. Fisher

The best thing a mom can do for her teenage daughter is give her the space to make her own mistakes and give her a soft place to land when she messes up. 

“I can’t promise to solve your problems, but I can promise that you won’t have to face them alone.” ~ Unknown

Daughters will almost never appreciate this at the time and it’s a tough phase to get through, but take solace in knowing that one day she will be so very grateful for you - she will know that all her mother wanted was the best for her.

“Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding you together.” ~ Susan Gale

Using a shared journal like Waffle is a unique way to navigate the difficult teen years. Heidi says it has helped her talk to her teenage daughter about hard things and has brought them closer.

Best Mother Daughter Quotes for Young Adulthood - Forever My Friend…

“No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my baby girl.” ~ Unknown

Empty nest syndrome is a heart wrenching time for a mom, but remember, your daughter is a lifelong friend and physical distance won’t change that.

“No daughter and mother ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them." ~ Christie Watson, Tiny Sunbirds, Far Away

Many mothers and daughters struggle with this transition, but it can be one of life’s most beautiful chapters. Your daughter is now the special woman that you raised and watching her navigate love, life, and a career and being her eternal support through it all can help to change your dynamic to that of a best friend. 

“Some women pray for their daughters to marry good husbands. I pray that my daughters will find girlfriends half as loyal and true as the Ya-Ya’s” ~ Rebecca Wells, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Yes, she will have her own friends, but that can never replace the unconditional love of a mom. When she is broken-hearted, having a tough time at work, or fighting with a best friend, you will be the one she turns to for comfort, because there is nobody that knows your daughter like you do and nobody who can help her through life’s trials like you will.

“Life is tough my darling, but so are you.” ~ Stephanie Bennet Henry

One of the most important things a mom can do to support and guide her adult daughters through life is to be an open book. Tell them everything - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

“I will not be a mystery to my daughter. She will know me and I will share my stories with her—the stories of failure, shame, and accomplishment. She will know she’s not alone in that wilderness.” ~ Viola Davis

A shared journal is an awesome way to keep the mother daughter bond strong as your adult daughter stretches her wings in life. Cecilia says that the Waffle journal has helped her and her mother connect on a deeper level and stay up to date on the daily happenings in their lives.  

An exceptionally true P.S. 

Besides moms, never forget, “It’s not ’empty nest syndrome’ until all of their crap is out of your basement.” ~ Unknown

(And we all know, that’s never!)

Mother Daughter Quotes for Adulthood - Dear Daughter, You’re a Strong Woman Raised by a Strong Woman - You’ve Got This!

"Life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a mother.” ~ Unknown

The only person who will always be unconditionally in your corner is your mother. There is nobody who knows you better and nobody who will give you the honest advice you need when life knocks you down like your mom. 

When a daughter starts her own family that’s when she has the biggest lightbulb moment of her life. She understands all her mom sacrificed, and how hard her mother worked in service of her happiness. 

One of the best mother daughter quotes that sums this up is “Mothers and daughters are closest when the daughter becomes a mother” ~ Unknown

When a new baby is born, mothers and daughters once again carve out a new dynamic as they try on new roles. There is nothing more beautiful than watching three generations of women live life together, supporting each other and most importantly loving one another in all the ways that matter.

Mother Daughter Quotes as Old Age Draws In - Happy Memories

“Love your parents and be ready to care for them. Many adult children are so busy growing up that they forget that their parents are growing old at the same time.” ~ Unknown

One of the hardest things to do is watch your parents age - somehow, growing up, you seem to think they are invincible, and one day you notice they’re hunched over and gray and it can be like a lightning bolt to the chest.

So many people live with regrets. If your relationship with your mother has soured, be sure to make amends and do all you can to put things right. As a daughter, one of the greatest honors is caring for your elderly mother in the same self-sacrificing way she cared for you when you were young.

“We must all work together to build a better world for our children, and that starts with caring for our elders.” ~ Nelson Mandela

Be patient with your mom as she was with you when you were learning to walk and use a spoon. Showing kindness, care, and compassion to your elderly mother is a great thing to model for your children too as one day they will be caring for you. 

Life End Mother Daughter Quotes - Remembering Your Unbreakable Bond With The Greatest Mom in The World

“I chose not to lose my mom, and instead to gain an angel. In my mind, my heart, and my life, she is still completely present to this day — and as wise, compassionate and stubborn as ever” ~ Kevin Hart

Losing your mother changes you forever - it’s not a hole you can ever fill. You miss her daily, in the smallest of ways, and as if there was a gaping chasm in your soul. 

Grief is not easy and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. You need to take the time and feel the emotions deeply and be kind to yourself. In all the sadness it does help to remember all the good times, the funny times, the mom-isms that made your mother unique - these are band aids to a wound that never stops bleeding, but it does help. 

One of the best ways to honor the memory of your mother is to tell stories about her to your children. Tell them everything and show them the way she mothered you, in the way you mother them - let her spirit infuse your motherhood and that’s the greatest 21-gun salute you could ever give her.

"A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again." ~ Maya Angelou

The Role of Journaling - An Old Treasure Map Worth More Than the Most Precious Jewels

Keeping a shared journal like Waffle through all the stages of mother daughter life is a phenomenal keepsake. It’s like a daughter and mother’s treasure chest to look back on with fondness, most especially once your mother has passed on. It’s like having her with you in your pocket - reading funny entries to laugh or heartfelt ones to remember just how much she loved and cared for you. It’s the ultimate memorial because it’s a piece of her snatched out of time that you can hold onto forever. 

Last Thoughts - Funny Mother Daughter Quotes - If You Know, You Know 😅

The mother daughter bond is indeed special, but if you don’t keep a sense of humor while navigating motherhood, you may not survive. Here are some of the best mother daughter quotes to make you laugh… mostly because they are deadly accurate!

“Having a daughter is like having a mini, more stubborn version of yourself who argues about bedtime” ~ Unknown

“My daughter is my best friend, my greatest challenge, and my loudest alarm clock.” ~ Unknown

“I smile because I’m your daughter, I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it!” ~ Unknown

“The most expensive part of having a daughter is all the wine you need to cope.” ~ Unknown

“What’s it like to have the greatest daughter in the world? I don’t know, ask your grandmother.” ~ Unknown

“Trying to understand my teenage daughter is like trying to charge my phone with a pasta noodle.” ~ Unknown

“My daughter stole my heart. And my makeup. But mostly, my makeup” ~ Unknown

“Her first word was ‘Dada’, but ‘No’ is where she really shines.” ~ Unknown

“My daughter is my happy pill. Side effects include an empty wallet.” ~ Unknown

"Having a mini-me is all fun and games until she starts acting just like you." ~ Unknown

"By the time a woman realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she is wrong." ~ Unknown

Go on, laugh out loud - they’re all right! And we bet your daughters agree 😉

One of life’s most beautiful gifts is the birth of a daughter. 

The mother daughter bond is a special relationship of unconditional love that only a mother and daughter understand. 

“Youth fades, love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hope outlives them all.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

This quote is one of the best at capturing the timeless nature of a mother’s love - nothing else can compare and it’s something you only understand once you have had a child.

Becoming a mom is one of the hardest transitions in life and nothing can quite prepare you for the overwhelming feelings you will experience on this journey. 

"It's not easy being a mom. If it were, fathers would do it." ~ Betty White

It is such a profound transformation that the internet is flooded with mother daughter quotes that try to sum up the true meaning of this extraordinary connection.

Sure, not all relationships are smooth sailing and of course there are rough patches, but a daughter enhances a mother’s life with unparalleled joy. No matter the tough times, a daughter can always find home in her mother’s arms. 

Just what makes this relationship so special is hard to define - it’s an all-consuming pure love, it’s challenging fights, it’s special mother daughter time filled with laughter, it’s broken hearts and tears - it’s the best and the worst of all that life has to offer…

But one thing that’s clear - it’s irreplaceable.

"Because even if the whole world was throwing rocks at you, if you had your mother at your back, you'd be okay. Some deep-rooted part of you would know you were loved." ~ Jojo Moyes, One Plus One

The Science Behind the Mother and Daughter Bond 

Becoming a mother is something that changes you forever, right down to your cells. 

Did you know that your baby’s DNA lives in your bloodstream for years after their birth and in your tissues forever? This phenomenon is called Fetal Microchimerism, so there is actual science that backs up that a mother and daughter are connected in the deepest ways, forever and always.

"As mothers and daughters, we are connected to one another. My mother is in the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and true. She is in my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is in the beating of my heart. I cannot now imagine a life without her." ~ Kristin Hannah, Summer Island

Using Mother and Daughter Quotes as Inspiration 

There are so many heartfelt quotes that sum up the nature of this special bond between a mom and her daughters. But here’s the thing, there is nothing that beats receiving a message straight from someone’s heart - raw, real, and forever special.

So while someone else’s mother daughter quotes are great to use for inspiration on Mother’s day, special text messages, or in birthday cards, always remember the most perfect gift is the words from your own heart. 

And the same is true when a mother wants to communicate a special message to her daughter. The perfect words are the ones that flow without thinking or planning - they may not be Shakespearian poetry but in your daughter’s eyes they are by far the most meaningful.

“My mom taught me that a woman's mind should be the most beautiful part of her.” ~ Sonya Teclai

So whether you’re a mother or a daughter, always trust yourself to know the right thing  to say…

The Journey of Motherhood…

Motherhood is not a static journey. It is forever evolving. No two mothers have the same experiences because their children are so different, yet there is so much pressure on a mom to “get it right”.

We mothers are often very hard on ourselves, we question everything, we berate ourselves when we choose wrong and we sometimes make mistakes - but one thing that never changes is a mother’s love - it’s an unconditional love that knows no bounds.

As long as you are doing your best and your daughter is happy, then you’ve won. It’s time to stop putting pressure on ourselves to conform to some unattainable ideal of being “a perfect mom” and start enjoying the ride. 

Remember, your daughter is watching you and learning how to be a mom - be sure to teach her what really matters…

“We mothers are learning to mark our mothering success by our daughters’ lengthening flight.” ~ Letty Cottin Pogrebin, "Family Politics"

The Very Beginning Of The Mother Daughter Bond - Pregnancy

“Twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?” ~ Unknown

From the moment you see two lines on the test, your whole life changes irrevocably. It’s the hardest thing to explain, but you are awash with the deepest love you’ve ever felt for someone and you haven't even met yet, because "A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty." ~ Unknown

While birth is not an easy thing to go through even if it all goes smoothly, and for some women childbirth is extremely traumatic, one thing every mom agrees on unanimously is holding your brand new daughter is one of the true joyful moments of life. 

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” ~ Rajneesh

Mother Daughter Quotes in Infancy - Your Special Baby Girl 

“Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before you were here an hour, I would die for you. This is the miracle of Mother’s Love.” ~ Maureen Hawkins

The first year is undoubtedly the hardest - sleep deprivation, feeding schedules, wonder weeks, and an almost obscene amount of crying - yours and your daughters!

“If your baby is beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time—you’re the grandma.” ~ Theresa Bloomingdale

Despite the challenges, a baby daughter’s love is a band aid for everything - it’s during this first year where the special bond you started developing in utero is cemented. 

Your little girl’s smile makes your heart melt and every woman realizes that they have the world’s greatest daughter - and each one of them is completely right. 

Just a Little Girl - Best Mother Daughter Quotes in Toddlerhood

“Dear daughter: always remember: you are brave, you are capable, you are pretty, and you can accomplish anything  your heart desires! I know this because I am your mother.” ~ Unknown

Little girls need to be told often just how strong, capable, and beautiful they are. Self-esteem and worth start in those early years and it is the greatest gift daughters can receive from their mom. 

A little girl watching her mom learns all she needs to know about how she will treat herself one day - so be careful what you say, be careful how you talk about yourself and be careful of being self-critical, because she’s watching you all the time. Give yourself the unconditional love you give her - you deserve it all too.

“You’ll be her first role model, her first friend, her first love. You are her mom, and she is your whole world. She is your little girl.” ~ Unknown

This is one of the most important mother quotes to internalize - your daughter’s job is learning about the world: make sure you’re an incredible teacher.

“A mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem” ~ Naomi Wolf

A Little Daughter Is a Mother’s Treasure - Heartwarming Mother Daughter Quotes in Early Childhood

"Mothers and daughters are part of each other’s consciousness, in different degrees and in a different way, but still with the mutual sense of something which has always been there." ~ Edith Wharton, The Mother’s Recompense

Your baby girl is growing up now and you start to realize that she is your very best friend. Tea parties, dress-up, silly make-up, dance parties, sleepovers in the lounge, baking cookies and fun outings - there is so much you can do with little girls to fill the days with laughter. 

Young daughters brighten the dreariest of days and inspire you to give the best of yourself in their service. These days are filled with hand holding, cuddles, and indiscernible clumps of clay for mother’s day that are given pride of place on the mantelpiece.

“You are my angel, you remind me of the goodness in this world and inspire me to be the greatest version of myself.” – Steve Maraboli

Best Mother Daughter Quotes for Tweens

“Having a little girl has been like following an old treasure map with the important paths torn away.” ~ Heather Gudenkauf

Your daughter is growing into a young woman now and may be trying on an independent spirit. The coming years can sometimes be rocky and hard to manage and many women pray for a manual to get through it, but always remember, beneath the hormones and sometimes stroppy attitude is a little girl trying to spread her own wings in a sometimes confusing world.

Always let her know you’re proud of who she is becoming…

“You are such a beautiful girl, and I’m so proud of the incredible way that you are growing up. Even at such a young age, you are full of wisdom, kindness, compassion, and courage.” ~ Unknown

Sentimental Mother Daughter Quotes to Survive the Teen Years

“A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.” ~ Dorothy C. Fisher

The best thing a mom can do for her teenage daughter is give her the space to make her own mistakes and give her a soft place to land when she messes up. 

“I can’t promise to solve your problems, but I can promise that you won’t have to face them alone.” ~ Unknown

Daughters will almost never appreciate this at the time and it’s a tough phase to get through, but take solace in knowing that one day she will be so very grateful for you - she will know that all her mother wanted was the best for her.

“Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding you together.” ~ Susan Gale

Using a shared journal like Waffle is a unique way to navigate the difficult teen years. Heidi says it has helped her talk to her teenage daughter about hard things and has brought them closer.

Best Mother Daughter Quotes for Young Adulthood - Forever My Friend…

“No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my baby girl.” ~ Unknown

Empty nest syndrome is a heart wrenching time for a mom, but remember, your daughter is a lifelong friend and physical distance won’t change that.

“No daughter and mother ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them." ~ Christie Watson, Tiny Sunbirds, Far Away

Many mothers and daughters struggle with this transition, but it can be one of life’s most beautiful chapters. Your daughter is now the special woman that you raised and watching her navigate love, life, and a career and being her eternal support through it all can help to change your dynamic to that of a best friend. 

“Some women pray for their daughters to marry good husbands. I pray that my daughters will find girlfriends half as loyal and true as the Ya-Ya’s” ~ Rebecca Wells, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Yes, she will have her own friends, but that can never replace the unconditional love of a mom. When she is broken-hearted, having a tough time at work, or fighting with a best friend, you will be the one she turns to for comfort, because there is nobody that knows your daughter like you do and nobody who can help her through life’s trials like you will.

“Life is tough my darling, but so are you.” ~ Stephanie Bennet Henry

One of the most important things a mom can do to support and guide her adult daughters through life is to be an open book. Tell them everything - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

“I will not be a mystery to my daughter. She will know me and I will share my stories with her—the stories of failure, shame, and accomplishment. She will know she’s not alone in that wilderness.” ~ Viola Davis

A shared journal is an awesome way to keep the mother daughter bond strong as your adult daughter stretches her wings in life. Cecilia says that the Waffle journal has helped her and her mother connect on a deeper level and stay up to date on the daily happenings in their lives.  

An exceptionally true P.S. 

Besides moms, never forget, “It’s not ’empty nest syndrome’ until all of their crap is out of your basement.” ~ Unknown

(And we all know, that’s never!)

Mother Daughter Quotes for Adulthood - Dear Daughter, You’re a Strong Woman Raised by a Strong Woman - You’ve Got This!

"Life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a mother.” ~ Unknown

The only person who will always be unconditionally in your corner is your mother. There is nobody who knows you better and nobody who will give you the honest advice you need when life knocks you down like your mom. 

When a daughter starts her own family that’s when she has the biggest lightbulb moment of her life. She understands all her mom sacrificed, and how hard her mother worked in service of her happiness. 

One of the best mother daughter quotes that sums this up is “Mothers and daughters are closest when the daughter becomes a mother” ~ Unknown

When a new baby is born, mothers and daughters once again carve out a new dynamic as they try on new roles. There is nothing more beautiful than watching three generations of women live life together, supporting each other and most importantly loving one another in all the ways that matter.

Mother Daughter Quotes as Old Age Draws In - Happy Memories

“Love your parents and be ready to care for them. Many adult children are so busy growing up that they forget that their parents are growing old at the same time.” ~ Unknown

One of the hardest things to do is watch your parents age - somehow, growing up, you seem to think they are invincible, and one day you notice they’re hunched over and gray and it can be like a lightning bolt to the chest.

So many people live with regrets. If your relationship with your mother has soured, be sure to make amends and do all you can to put things right. As a daughter, one of the greatest honors is caring for your elderly mother in the same self-sacrificing way she cared for you when you were young.

“We must all work together to build a better world for our children, and that starts with caring for our elders.” ~ Nelson Mandela

Be patient with your mom as she was with you when you were learning to walk and use a spoon. Showing kindness, care, and compassion to your elderly mother is a great thing to model for your children too as one day they will be caring for you. 

Life End Mother Daughter Quotes - Remembering Your Unbreakable Bond With The Greatest Mom in The World

“I chose not to lose my mom, and instead to gain an angel. In my mind, my heart, and my life, she is still completely present to this day — and as wise, compassionate and stubborn as ever” ~ Kevin Hart

Losing your mother changes you forever - it’s not a hole you can ever fill. You miss her daily, in the smallest of ways, and as if there was a gaping chasm in your soul. 

Grief is not easy and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. You need to take the time and feel the emotions deeply and be kind to yourself. In all the sadness it does help to remember all the good times, the funny times, the mom-isms that made your mother unique - these are band aids to a wound that never stops bleeding, but it does help. 

One of the best ways to honor the memory of your mother is to tell stories about her to your children. Tell them everything and show them the way she mothered you, in the way you mother them - let her spirit infuse your motherhood and that’s the greatest 21-gun salute you could ever give her.

"A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again." ~ Maya Angelou

The Role of Journaling - An Old Treasure Map Worth More Than the Most Precious Jewels

Keeping a shared journal like Waffle through all the stages of mother daughter life is a phenomenal keepsake. It’s like a daughter and mother’s treasure chest to look back on with fondness, most especially once your mother has passed on. It’s like having her with you in your pocket - reading funny entries to laugh or heartfelt ones to remember just how much she loved and cared for you. It’s the ultimate memorial because it’s a piece of her snatched out of time that you can hold onto forever. 

Last Thoughts - Funny Mother Daughter Quotes - If You Know, You Know 😅

The mother daughter bond is indeed special, but if you don’t keep a sense of humor while navigating motherhood, you may not survive. Here are some of the best mother daughter quotes to make you laugh… mostly because they are deadly accurate!

“Having a daughter is like having a mini, more stubborn version of yourself who argues about bedtime” ~ Unknown

“My daughter is my best friend, my greatest challenge, and my loudest alarm clock.” ~ Unknown

“I smile because I’m your daughter, I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it!” ~ Unknown

“The most expensive part of having a daughter is all the wine you need to cope.” ~ Unknown

“What’s it like to have the greatest daughter in the world? I don’t know, ask your grandmother.” ~ Unknown

“Trying to understand my teenage daughter is like trying to charge my phone with a pasta noodle.” ~ Unknown

“My daughter stole my heart. And my makeup. But mostly, my makeup” ~ Unknown

“Her first word was ‘Dada’, but ‘No’ is where she really shines.” ~ Unknown

“My daughter is my happy pill. Side effects include an empty wallet.” ~ Unknown

"Having a mini-me is all fun and games until she starts acting just like you." ~ Unknown

"By the time a woman realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she is wrong." ~ Unknown

Go on, laugh out loud - they’re all right! And we bet your daughters agree 😉

One of life’s most beautiful gifts is the birth of a daughter. 

The mother daughter bond is a special relationship of unconditional love that only a mother and daughter understand. 

“Youth fades, love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hope outlives them all.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

This quote is one of the best at capturing the timeless nature of a mother’s love - nothing else can compare and it’s something you only understand once you have had a child.

Becoming a mom is one of the hardest transitions in life and nothing can quite prepare you for the overwhelming feelings you will experience on this journey. 

"It's not easy being a mom. If it were, fathers would do it." ~ Betty White

It is such a profound transformation that the internet is flooded with mother daughter quotes that try to sum up the true meaning of this extraordinary connection.

Sure, not all relationships are smooth sailing and of course there are rough patches, but a daughter enhances a mother’s life with unparalleled joy. No matter the tough times, a daughter can always find home in her mother’s arms. 

Just what makes this relationship so special is hard to define - it’s an all-consuming pure love, it’s challenging fights, it’s special mother daughter time filled with laughter, it’s broken hearts and tears - it’s the best and the worst of all that life has to offer…

But one thing that’s clear - it’s irreplaceable.

"Because even if the whole world was throwing rocks at you, if you had your mother at your back, you'd be okay. Some deep-rooted part of you would know you were loved." ~ Jojo Moyes, One Plus One

The Science Behind the Mother and Daughter Bond 

Becoming a mother is something that changes you forever, right down to your cells. 

Did you know that your baby’s DNA lives in your bloodstream for years after their birth and in your tissues forever? This phenomenon is called Fetal Microchimerism, so there is actual science that backs up that a mother and daughter are connected in the deepest ways, forever and always.

"As mothers and daughters, we are connected to one another. My mother is in the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and true. She is in my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is in the beating of my heart. I cannot now imagine a life without her." ~ Kristin Hannah, Summer Island

Using Mother and Daughter Quotes as Inspiration 

There are so many heartfelt quotes that sum up the nature of this special bond between a mom and her daughters. But here’s the thing, there is nothing that beats receiving a message straight from someone’s heart - raw, real, and forever special.

So while someone else’s mother daughter quotes are great to use for inspiration on Mother’s day, special text messages, or in birthday cards, always remember the most perfect gift is the words from your own heart. 

And the same is true when a mother wants to communicate a special message to her daughter. The perfect words are the ones that flow without thinking or planning - they may not be Shakespearian poetry but in your daughter’s eyes they are by far the most meaningful.

“My mom taught me that a woman's mind should be the most beautiful part of her.” ~ Sonya Teclai

So whether you’re a mother or a daughter, always trust yourself to know the right thing  to say…

The Journey of Motherhood…

Motherhood is not a static journey. It is forever evolving. No two mothers have the same experiences because their children are so different, yet there is so much pressure on a mom to “get it right”.

We mothers are often very hard on ourselves, we question everything, we berate ourselves when we choose wrong and we sometimes make mistakes - but one thing that never changes is a mother’s love - it’s an unconditional love that knows no bounds.

As long as you are doing your best and your daughter is happy, then you’ve won. It’s time to stop putting pressure on ourselves to conform to some unattainable ideal of being “a perfect mom” and start enjoying the ride. 

Remember, your daughter is watching you and learning how to be a mom - be sure to teach her what really matters…

“We mothers are learning to mark our mothering success by our daughters’ lengthening flight.” ~ Letty Cottin Pogrebin, "Family Politics"

The Very Beginning Of The Mother Daughter Bond - Pregnancy

“Twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?” ~ Unknown

From the moment you see two lines on the test, your whole life changes irrevocably. It’s the hardest thing to explain, but you are awash with the deepest love you’ve ever felt for someone and you haven't even met yet, because "A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty." ~ Unknown

While birth is not an easy thing to go through even if it all goes smoothly, and for some women childbirth is extremely traumatic, one thing every mom agrees on unanimously is holding your brand new daughter is one of the true joyful moments of life. 

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” ~ Rajneesh

Mother Daughter Quotes in Infancy - Your Special Baby Girl 

“Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before you were here an hour, I would die for you. This is the miracle of Mother’s Love.” ~ Maureen Hawkins

The first year is undoubtedly the hardest - sleep deprivation, feeding schedules, wonder weeks, and an almost obscene amount of crying - yours and your daughters!

“If your baby is beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time—you’re the grandma.” ~ Theresa Bloomingdale

Despite the challenges, a baby daughter’s love is a band aid for everything - it’s during this first year where the special bond you started developing in utero is cemented. 

Your little girl’s smile makes your heart melt and every woman realizes that they have the world’s greatest daughter - and each one of them is completely right. 

Just a Little Girl - Best Mother Daughter Quotes in Toddlerhood

“Dear daughter: always remember: you are brave, you are capable, you are pretty, and you can accomplish anything  your heart desires! I know this because I am your mother.” ~ Unknown

Little girls need to be told often just how strong, capable, and beautiful they are. Self-esteem and worth start in those early years and it is the greatest gift daughters can receive from their mom. 

A little girl watching her mom learns all she needs to know about how she will treat herself one day - so be careful what you say, be careful how you talk about yourself and be careful of being self-critical, because she’s watching you all the time. Give yourself the unconditional love you give her - you deserve it all too.

“You’ll be her first role model, her first friend, her first love. You are her mom, and she is your whole world. She is your little girl.” ~ Unknown

This is one of the most important mother quotes to internalize - your daughter’s job is learning about the world: make sure you’re an incredible teacher.

“A mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem” ~ Naomi Wolf

A Little Daughter Is a Mother’s Treasure - Heartwarming Mother Daughter Quotes in Early Childhood

"Mothers and daughters are part of each other’s consciousness, in different degrees and in a different way, but still with the mutual sense of something which has always been there." ~ Edith Wharton, The Mother’s Recompense

Your baby girl is growing up now and you start to realize that she is your very best friend. Tea parties, dress-up, silly make-up, dance parties, sleepovers in the lounge, baking cookies and fun outings - there is so much you can do with little girls to fill the days with laughter. 

Young daughters brighten the dreariest of days and inspire you to give the best of yourself in their service. These days are filled with hand holding, cuddles, and indiscernible clumps of clay for mother’s day that are given pride of place on the mantelpiece.

“You are my angel, you remind me of the goodness in this world and inspire me to be the greatest version of myself.” – Steve Maraboli

Best Mother Daughter Quotes for Tweens

“Having a little girl has been like following an old treasure map with the important paths torn away.” ~ Heather Gudenkauf

Your daughter is growing into a young woman now and may be trying on an independent spirit. The coming years can sometimes be rocky and hard to manage and many women pray for a manual to get through it, but always remember, beneath the hormones and sometimes stroppy attitude is a little girl trying to spread her own wings in a sometimes confusing world.

Always let her know you’re proud of who she is becoming…

“You are such a beautiful girl, and I’m so proud of the incredible way that you are growing up. Even at such a young age, you are full of wisdom, kindness, compassion, and courage.” ~ Unknown

Sentimental Mother Daughter Quotes to Survive the Teen Years

“A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.” ~ Dorothy C. Fisher

The best thing a mom can do for her teenage daughter is give her the space to make her own mistakes and give her a soft place to land when she messes up. 

“I can’t promise to solve your problems, but I can promise that you won’t have to face them alone.” ~ Unknown

Daughters will almost never appreciate this at the time and it’s a tough phase to get through, but take solace in knowing that one day she will be so very grateful for you - she will know that all her mother wanted was the best for her.

“Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding you together.” ~ Susan Gale

Using a shared journal like Waffle is a unique way to navigate the difficult teen years. Heidi says it has helped her talk to her teenage daughter about hard things and has brought them closer.

Best Mother Daughter Quotes for Young Adulthood - Forever My Friend…

“No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my baby girl.” ~ Unknown

Empty nest syndrome is a heart wrenching time for a mom, but remember, your daughter is a lifelong friend and physical distance won’t change that.

“No daughter and mother ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them." ~ Christie Watson, Tiny Sunbirds, Far Away

Many mothers and daughters struggle with this transition, but it can be one of life’s most beautiful chapters. Your daughter is now the special woman that you raised and watching her navigate love, life, and a career and being her eternal support through it all can help to change your dynamic to that of a best friend. 

“Some women pray for their daughters to marry good husbands. I pray that my daughters will find girlfriends half as loyal and true as the Ya-Ya’s” ~ Rebecca Wells, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Yes, she will have her own friends, but that can never replace the unconditional love of a mom. When she is broken-hearted, having a tough time at work, or fighting with a best friend, you will be the one she turns to for comfort, because there is nobody that knows your daughter like you do and nobody who can help her through life’s trials like you will.

“Life is tough my darling, but so are you.” ~ Stephanie Bennet Henry

One of the most important things a mom can do to support and guide her adult daughters through life is to be an open book. Tell them everything - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

“I will not be a mystery to my daughter. She will know me and I will share my stories with her—the stories of failure, shame, and accomplishment. She will know she’s not alone in that wilderness.” ~ Viola Davis

A shared journal is an awesome way to keep the mother daughter bond strong as your adult daughter stretches her wings in life. Cecilia says that the Waffle journal has helped her and her mother connect on a deeper level and stay up to date on the daily happenings in their lives.  

An exceptionally true P.S. 

Besides moms, never forget, “It’s not ’empty nest syndrome’ until all of their crap is out of your basement.” ~ Unknown

(And we all know, that’s never!)

Mother Daughter Quotes for Adulthood - Dear Daughter, You’re a Strong Woman Raised by a Strong Woman - You’ve Got This!

"Life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a mother.” ~ Unknown

The only person who will always be unconditionally in your corner is your mother. There is nobody who knows you better and nobody who will give you the honest advice you need when life knocks you down like your mom. 

When a daughter starts her own family that’s when she has the biggest lightbulb moment of her life. She understands all her mom sacrificed, and how hard her mother worked in service of her happiness. 

One of the best mother daughter quotes that sums this up is “Mothers and daughters are closest when the daughter becomes a mother” ~ Unknown

When a new baby is born, mothers and daughters once again carve out a new dynamic as they try on new roles. There is nothing more beautiful than watching three generations of women live life together, supporting each other and most importantly loving one another in all the ways that matter.

Mother Daughter Quotes as Old Age Draws In - Happy Memories

“Love your parents and be ready to care for them. Many adult children are so busy growing up that they forget that their parents are growing old at the same time.” ~ Unknown

One of the hardest things to do is watch your parents age - somehow, growing up, you seem to think they are invincible, and one day you notice they’re hunched over and gray and it can be like a lightning bolt to the chest.

So many people live with regrets. If your relationship with your mother has soured, be sure to make amends and do all you can to put things right. As a daughter, one of the greatest honors is caring for your elderly mother in the same self-sacrificing way she cared for you when you were young.

“We must all work together to build a better world for our children, and that starts with caring for our elders.” ~ Nelson Mandela

Be patient with your mom as she was with you when you were learning to walk and use a spoon. Showing kindness, care, and compassion to your elderly mother is a great thing to model for your children too as one day they will be caring for you. 

Life End Mother Daughter Quotes - Remembering Your Unbreakable Bond With The Greatest Mom in The World

“I chose not to lose my mom, and instead to gain an angel. In my mind, my heart, and my life, she is still completely present to this day — and as wise, compassionate and stubborn as ever” ~ Kevin Hart

Losing your mother changes you forever - it’s not a hole you can ever fill. You miss her daily, in the smallest of ways, and as if there was a gaping chasm in your soul. 

Grief is not easy and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. You need to take the time and feel the emotions deeply and be kind to yourself. In all the sadness it does help to remember all the good times, the funny times, the mom-isms that made your mother unique - these are band aids to a wound that never stops bleeding, but it does help. 

One of the best ways to honor the memory of your mother is to tell stories about her to your children. Tell them everything and show them the way she mothered you, in the way you mother them - let her spirit infuse your motherhood and that’s the greatest 21-gun salute you could ever give her.

"A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again." ~ Maya Angelou

The Role of Journaling - An Old Treasure Map Worth More Than the Most Precious Jewels

Keeping a shared journal like Waffle through all the stages of mother daughter life is a phenomenal keepsake. It’s like a daughter and mother’s treasure chest to look back on with fondness, most especially once your mother has passed on. It’s like having her with you in your pocket - reading funny entries to laugh or heartfelt ones to remember just how much she loved and cared for you. It’s the ultimate memorial because it’s a piece of her snatched out of time that you can hold onto forever. 

Last Thoughts - Funny Mother Daughter Quotes - If You Know, You Know 😅

The mother daughter bond is indeed special, but if you don’t keep a sense of humor while navigating motherhood, you may not survive. Here are some of the best mother daughter quotes to make you laugh… mostly because they are deadly accurate!

“Having a daughter is like having a mini, more stubborn version of yourself who argues about bedtime” ~ Unknown

“My daughter is my best friend, my greatest challenge, and my loudest alarm clock.” ~ Unknown

“I smile because I’m your daughter, I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it!” ~ Unknown

“The most expensive part of having a daughter is all the wine you need to cope.” ~ Unknown

“What’s it like to have the greatest daughter in the world? I don’t know, ask your grandmother.” ~ Unknown

“Trying to understand my teenage daughter is like trying to charge my phone with a pasta noodle.” ~ Unknown

“My daughter stole my heart. And my makeup. But mostly, my makeup” ~ Unknown

“Her first word was ‘Dada’, but ‘No’ is where she really shines.” ~ Unknown

“My daughter is my happy pill. Side effects include an empty wallet.” ~ Unknown

"Having a mini-me is all fun and games until she starts acting just like you." ~ Unknown

"By the time a woman realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she is wrong." ~ Unknown

Go on, laugh out loud - they’re all right! And we bet your daughters agree 😉

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